Producing Energy with Water
The aim of the programme is students to understand the water cycle, that the water is valuable and the severity of water pollution. Can we use water instead of fossil fuels to produce energy?
The aim of the programme is students to understand the water cycle, that the water is valuable and the severity of water pollution. Can we use water instead of fossil fuels to produce energy?
1. Welcome the students. Information about the exhibition and the programme.
2. Presentation of the water cycle with the use of a working maquette.
3. What is a generator? How is the electric current produced and what is are the consequences for the environment?
4. Presentation of a working hydro turbine that shows how the dynamic energy of water can be transformed into electricity.
5. Presentation of the use of water-steam in combination with biomass in energy producing factories.
6. Presentation of novel appliances that produce electricity with the use of water.
7. Presentation of an electrolysis station and a hydrogen car.
8. Video.
* ROBOTIC 3D PRINTING: At the moment 3D printing is presented supportively to all the programmes, and at the end children takes a souvenir object in the classroom.
The educational exhibition ENERGY-ENVIRONMENT is open for school visits and for the general public, for groups over 20 people. Visits are organised after contacting the personnel of the exhibition. For planning a visit and cost information please contact us on phone numbers 2810 254410 or 6972 507155 daily 09:00 – 13:00.
* The maximum number of people can have slight deviations on occasion.
Producing Energy with Water
09:00 – 13:00 , Monday to Friday